Patient Engagement Strategy
A successful patient-focused drug development strategy focuses on incorporating the lived experiences of patients and caregivers. While there is no universally accepted standard for how and when the industry should engage with the patient and caregiver community, there is no question that patient engagement is a key part of the entire drug development process. Insights and feedback from the patient and caregiver community should happen early and often throughout each stage, including pre-clinical and commercialization.
Robust patient engagement strategies offer several key benefits to both industry and patient and caregiver communities. Transparent and effective patient engagement can build trust with communities, especially those that have been historically marginalized and under-supported. It can help the industry understand the unmet needs for the communities they are designing trials and treatments for. Oftentimes there is a gap in the perceptions of healthcare providers about these unmet needs and the patients they treat. Patient engagement can close these gaps and help patients become more active participants in their own care and decision-making.
Firak Consulting Group is available to help build your patient engagement strategy with:
Development and Implementation: Design and execute comprehensive strategies to actively include the lived experience of patients and caregivers in the drug development process.
Collaboration: Facilitate partnerships between those with lived experience and the industry to co-create solutions that reflect real-world needs and priorities.